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Original Script: Collar and Elbow

Updated: Nov 23, 2021

Recent college graduate Danny struggles to find his footing in the world despite his accolades, until he rekindles his childhood love of... Professional Wrestling. In attempts to help his financially struggling mother Danny takes on the task of bringing money for rent. The only problem is, he isn't working he is training to become a Professional Wrestler. How long can Danny keep up the façade of having a job, and still actually pay the bills? and how far is he willing to go?

Check out the script below:

Collar and Elbow: The Golden Child More About: This Pilot script was written as my Senior Project for SUNY Purchase College's Playwriting & Screenwriting Program. I was originally planning on creating some kind of fantasy story, until a good friend asked me the simple question of: Why aren't you writing about pro-wrestling? Everything clicked with that one question, I spent a full year on this pilot and I'm incredibly happy with it. I really enjoy the relationship Danny and his younger sister Ellie share. I cant wait to see where Danny's Story goes.

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