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Donna Del Mondo

Heartbreak Wrestling x Paladin Writing Donna Del Mondo

Being a wrestling fan, Stardom has floated around in my peripherals for as long as I can remember. Aside from a few standout matches and the hundreds of GIFs on twitter that blow me away, something has kept me from truly indulging in this wonderful promotion. Maybe it's just that it's another franchise with a lot of content and that I have to be awake at 3am to watch. Several of my favorite wrestlers cut their teeth in the Japan based promotion. Thanks to Adriana of Heartbreak Wrestling and StardomGuide, I have been given a hand picked selection to follow one of its many factions, throughout its inception to some of their biggest moments.

DDM logo

Donna del Mondo, or Women of the world in Italian. Giulia debuted in late 2019 for Stardom, it was January of 2020 where Giulia formed DDM after struggling to find allies in Stardom itself. These other founding members were Maika and Syuri. Both debuted in stardom for the first time. Maika, only having wrestled for less than a year, was accompanied by a veteran in Syuri who made her professional wrestling debut in 2008. The first match selected was: DDM’s debut match at Stardom's 9th Anniversary show on January 19th 2020.

Stardom's 9th Anniversary (January 19th): Donna Del Mondo’s Syuri, Giulia and Maika vs. Tokyo Cyber Squad's Death Yama-san, Hana Kimura and Leyla Hirsch.

I’m not sure what I expected going in, maybe I’m too used to western storytelling where a heel faction debuts and needs to wipe the floor with everyone to establish dominance. However, this is stardom. TCS is a wonderful group of characters who didn't fit in elsewhere. And that mentality shows very clearly with Death yama-san, whose antics are something I might complain about later, but for my experience watching this match was pretty fun. Focusing on DDM, Giulia’s boss music, Maikia’s Ripping guitar and Syuri’s electric music, created an interesting first impression where it was sort of difficult to figure out their vibe. This feeling almost immediately disappeared once the bell rang. DDM had impeccable synergy from their first match together, I was genuinely surprised. Maika showed off impressive strength and joint control. Syuri’s speed and strikes baffled me every time without fail. I thought this was a strong debut for the faction and was excited to see more.

Donna Del Mondo post debut match pose

Maika, Giulia, and Syuri post-debut match which is written in my notes as “THE POSE!!!!!!!!!!!” Jumping back in a few months later, DDM is ready to debut a new member against Stars which would be revealed to be the (now retired) Jumbo Princess Himeka!

Stardom FC My Stardom ~ Stardom Is Again! (June 21): Giulia, Syuri and Maika, Himeka vs. Stars (Mayu Iwatani, Tam Nakano, Starlight Kid and Saya Iida) Once again Syuri’s brutal kicks continue to make me cringe in pain every time. In my opinion Himeka is being brought in and filling a “big man heater” role. Typically these positions are somewhat stifling for character work, as they are meant to be scary and stoic, but not Himeka. Seeing DDM collectively bully Starlight Kid was a perfect method to convey their attitude in the ring. Placing Stars against DDM in Himeka’s debut was an ideal match up as all the members of Stars are much smaller than Himeka specifically, allowing her to come across as a force to be reckoned with.

Another couple of months go by into October, where DDM is ready for another member. Announced beforehand, Natsupoi is debuting with Donna Del Mondo against Death Yama-san.

Stardom Yokohama Cinderella (October 3): Natsupoi vs. Death Yama-san

Adriana had the audacity to say I could skip this one. I, on the other hand, disagree. How could I skip the debut match of her absolute favorite, even if it is against my LEAST favorite in stardom. I'm going to be a little negative for a moment, I was so disappointed to see this is Natsupoi’s debut match. She has enough time to show off some of her abilities, but nowhere near enough that after seeing this match I was blown away by her, which I think is frustrating, as from watching matches of hers outside of this DDM adventure. She is brilliant in the ring. Something I did note, at this time DDM has a very contradicting vibe, in my notes I wrote something along the lines of: DDM Logo: ☠️😡👊 DDM Members: 🌸😇🖤 What I will say is that at this point they are about 9 months into their time as a faction and their synergy is really starting to shine.

Donna Del Mondo Members as of the end of 2020

DDM members as of the end of 2020, Maika, Natsupoi, Giulia, Syuri and Himeka.

Entering 2021, Donna Del Mondo was heavily featured at NJPW’s Wrestle Kingdom 15 event. However, for the life of me, I cannot find these matches, THEY DEFINITELY HAPPENED. I even paid for NJPW World and still couldn't find them! These were mostly just showcase matches with Giulia and Syuri teaming against Mayu Iwatani and Tam Nakano. As well as, Maika, Himeka and Natsupoi vs. Queen's Quest's AZM, Saya Kamitani and Utami Hayashishita. Pretty cool that DDM was completely involved in Stardoms representation at Wrestle Kingdom, it shows the companies faith in them as wrestlers. I hope that these matches can be unearthed and I can check them out. Budokan! Valentine Special - Day 2 (February 14): Himeka and Maika vs. Oedo Tai (Bea Priestley and Konami) for the Goddess of Stardom Championship

The Budokan! Valentine special Day 2 event, Himeka and Maika challenge Oedo Tai for the Goddess of Stardom Championship. Since the last match I watched DDM’s presence has evolved quite a bit. I could genuinely watch Maika and Konami grapple for hours, truly amazing ring work. Watching this match I thought to myself “Y’know Himeka is really not that big” which was almost immediately remedied by me writing down “SHE’S SO STRONG THOUGH!” I also now understand that her nickname of Jumbo princess is a reclamation of the word jumbo from her time as an idol as well as her signature jumping knee which was also the signature move of Jumbo Tsuruta who was known for dominating AJPW. Pretty cool trivia right? Returning to the match itself, I am constantly impressed by Maika’s wrestling ability. She has better hip tosses than Rousey. Himeka also surprised me a few times in this match with a brutal single leg Boston Crab and a devastating torture rack KOD. Most important of all, Himeka makes the roll up pin for the victory. This would be the first time Himeka held gold in Stardom, a really great moment to watch.

Stardom 10th Anniversary - (March 3): Giulia vs Tam Nakano for the Wonder of Stardom championship

When receiving the list of matches, this was one I was quite excited to finally see. Tam marches to the ring carrying a whole ass Halberd. (side note: there should be more medieval weapons in Pro-Wrestling). I think my notes say this for every Giulia match: “Giulia is so damn cool”. This match was no exception. For the unaware, Hair matches carry a lot of weight throughout the history of wrestling dating all the way back to 1962 with Gorgeous George’s retirement match (more trivia for you). Throughout the fight Tam would make attempts to win the match, in contrast Giulia would skip over pin fall attempts just so she could continue to beat her opponent down. Eventually with a Tiger Suplex, Tam overcomes Giulia once and for all. Yet despite Nakano winning the championship and finally finishing this long feud with Giulia, she is crushed by the weight of this punishment and is unable to shave Giulia’s head even though she hates her so much. Leaving Giulia to call the hairdresser into the ring and finish the job. With her hair destroyed, Giulia raises Nakano’s hand as a show of respect. What a badass.

Giulia's head being shaved following her loss to Tam Nakano

Giulia’s head being shaved after losing to Tam Nakano

Stardom Yokohama Dream Cinderella 2021 (April 4): Himeka and Maika vs Giulia and Syuri for the Goddess of Stardom Championship

From a western wrestling perspective, seeing a match between faction members is essentially a curtain call for the whole operation. When you see that on a card, you know some shit is about to go down. To my surprise, that was not what happened here, this was a tag team match with 2 members of the same faction on either side, and nothing bad happened! A part of this experience I have loved is being able to see Himeka and Maika improve as a team, whipping out some really fun tandem offense. However these improvements were no match for the unstoppable force of Syuri and Giulia. My heart broke a little seeing Maika and Himeka attempt to comfort each other. However, I breathed a sigh of relief when this was over. Donna Del mondo made it out of this match unscathed. Stardom Award in Shinjuku (January 3): Giulia, Thekla, & Mirai vs Tam Nakano, Unagi Sayaka and Mai Sakurai

For months 2 Momo mask wearing individuals have been attacking the stardom roster. Leading up to this match Giulia announced that these are the two newest members of DDM. Who are revealed to be Thekla an Austrian wrestler who spent the first two years of her career in Ice ribbon, and MIRAI, a Japanese wrestler also just two years into her career from DDT and Tokyo Joshi Pro. I heard somewhere in an interview with an older wrestler, who was asked what makes a good wrestler, and his response was, they have to be unique, if they can do a body slam different than everyone else, they will get noticed. Thekla is that statement turned up to eleven. Every movement she makes is attention grabbing. Thekla brushes off elbows from Tam Nakano like it's nothing, she does a crazy bridge into a spear. She oozes with personality. I can definitely ramble about how great Thekla is for another 2 pages, However I do want to talk about a negative in this match. Between the bright colors of the Cosmic Angels, Giulia’s final boss vibe, and Thekla’s radiant charisma, MIRAI who is also supposed to be spotlighted here, falls completely to the wayside. MIRAI is quite great in the ring and is absolutely an entertaining performer. It felt impossible to compete with the larger personalities in this match. My excitement for Thekla’s long awaited arrival on this list, is undermined by the feeling of disappointment that MIRAI didn't really even have a chance to shine, in what should've been her time to do so. Stardom in Osaka (February 12): Giulia, Thekla and Mirai vs. Cosmic Angels (Tam Nakano, Unagi Sayaka and Mai Sakurai)

In a rematch just over a month later, Giulia brutalizes Sakurai throughout this match, the only opportunities where she gets the upper hand is with her Cosmic Angel’s team mates help. Any momentum Sakurai gains, she loses moments later without her team. I’m happy to say that MIRAI actually gets some time to shine here and we see her showing a sadistic side to her ring style. DDM picks up the victory here, but what is really important happens after the match. Giulia extends a rare offer to join DDM. Nakano cries out as Mai Sakurai accepts the offer to join Donna Del Mondo, making the faction grow to now 8 members. “I don’t want to dance, I want to wrestle”. Stardom World Climax 2022 (March 26): Syuri vs Giulia for the World of Stardom Championship against Giulia.

As stated before, When members of a team face each other in matches it does not end well. I was deceived before, this time I will learn my lesson and not expect a break up at the end… Which was the wrong decision. I questioned while watching this match, asking myself; “is this a test or a fight?” Throughout this list Giulia has lost a few matches and all of them in my opinion is that her desire to hurt her opponents overpowers her desires to win. This match is no different, early on into this match Giulia piledrives Syuri through a table. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell wouldn’t pile drive my friend through a table. Syuri must’ve thought the same thing as after this moment Syuri ups her aggression to match Giulia’s. Further in, the two women pause exhausted and ask each other “are we really doing this?”. The answer was yes, a few explosive moves later the match was over. Syuri stood tall as the new World of Stardom Champion. To make matters worse for Giulia, Syuri then leaves DDM! Becoming the first member to leave the faction. Needless to say; I am heartbroken.

Syuri is the first of many to part ways with DDM, shortly after this MIRAI leaves as well to follow her. MidSummer Champions in Tokyo (July 9): Giulia, Maika, Himeka, Natsupoi and Mai Sakurai vs. Tam Nakano, Unagi Sayaka, Mina Shirakawa, Saki and Hikari Shimizu I was warned by Adriana that going into this match would be emotional (at least it was for her). This match is filled with what I jokingly referred to as # BEATUPGIULIA as the team of Cosmic Angel’s did everything they could to gang up on Giulia. Some other standout moments were how incredibly fast Natsupoi can be, Mai Sakurai’s impeccable form, and Maika’s strength. The match ends with Natsupoi aiding Tam Nakano to defeat Giulia, with a german suplex on the apron. Natsupoi lays on the floor as CA’s music plays, staring at the ceiling seemingly asking herself “Did I really just do that?”.

Natsupoi following her betrayal of Giulia

Natuspoi seconds after betraying Giulia Natsupoi says with power that she is not a mascot for DDM. She wants to be strong enough to stand across from DDM and revolutionize Stardom alongside the Cosmic Angels. Giulia takes the microphone, and inspects Natsupoi, almost to make sure it’s actually her. Giulia questions her sincerity asking her if she wasn’t trash talking Tam shortly before. Giulia calls Natsupoi shallow, and grabs a tuft of her hair. “...You were a sweet cuddly pet, but now you’re my enemy…”

Himeka pours her heart out to Natsupoi, professing how much she loved her as a friend, but that love blinded her from seeing Natsupoi’s change.

“I will never forgive you for betraying our precious friendship!” Sniffling Natsupoi lets out one simple phrase “Bye-poi” Maika questions her intentions, and Thekla with tears in her eyes can’t find the strength to mutter words. While she is walking out the tears shift to anger as Thekla scowls towards the ring as she exits. Tam extends a hand to a now fully crying Natsupoi, but she cannot muster up the strength to even stand. Tam hugs her and proclaims she will never regret the decision.

Stardom Dream Queendom 2 (Dec 29) Giulia vs. Syuri for the World of Stardom Championship

Syuri and the red belt together are truly a beautiful combination. A rematch from their match back in March, Syuri was the first of Three members to leave DDM. There is absolutely some animosity between these two. In their previous encounter I was questioning if the match was a test or a fight, there is no question here. It is a fight! Even tangled in the ropes these two cannot help but slap each other as much as possible. I leapt out of my seat when Giulia suplexed Syuri off the stage ramp onto the metal chairs on the floor. This is a contest, a fight between violence and skill. Giulia’s violence is relentless hitting Syuri with these petty kicks and stomps that are honestly more for agitating than harming. Syuri will return these kicks with some of her own, but if you’ve been paying attention to my words or any of Syuri's matches you know that she does not hold back a kick. Spine shattering kicks are handed to Giulia one by one. A thud echoes as Giulia headbutts the lights off of Syuri and tosses her over head with a double underhook suplex from the top rope. The two crash to the mat, and Giulia takes her time getting to her opponent and instead of going for a pin fall attempt Giulia goes for a glorious driver, which in a moment of instinct Syuri reverses into her own glorious driver and drops Giulia on her head. Giulia kicks out of the pin fall at 1 and over powers Syuri with a devastating flowsion, I thought she was done, but Syuri kicks out at one just as her opponent did.

Both competitors know that this is the end. The two collide with simultaneous boots to the face, as they go for it again, Syuri evades and hits Giulia with a jaw dropping knee to the chin. Syuri wipes Giulia out with a flowsion of her own, but she cannot seem to put her out. The two struggle to stand and Giulia slides into a rollup pin attempt that was as close as humanly possible that had me leaping when Syuri kicked out. A frustrated Syuri pulls Giulia to the top rope going for a devastating avalanche but ends up eating a brutal sunset flip powerbomb as Giulia once again slithers out of her grasp. She too is not ready to accept defeat. Giulia then hits a running liger bomb and it is STILL not enough to defeat Syuri. Even a tiger driver ‘91, the same move that caused discussion recently between Ospreay and Omega, is not enough to defeat the champion.

Syuri doesn't even have the strength to hold Giulia in a pin. With one last glorious driver Giulia defeats Syuri. The two women lay atop each other so exhausted. In victory Giulia bows to Syuri, grabbing her hand and thanking her. I’m not crying, you are. Giulia barely stands up on her own power to accept the championship. In a show of ultimate respect Syuri places the championship around Giulia’s waist and raises her hand. Tears pour down their bruised faces as they collapse hugging.

“Thank you for watching over me and for being such a huge, huge wall to climb over…”

The two bow to each other once more.

“Syuri has absolutely made me stronger and stronger. That's why I want to fight on! Best regards Syuri”

The two collapse hugging once more.

“I’ll take this belt… to the greatest heights, and we will do this again.”

As Giulia is left in the ring she calls out to her moth and thanks her for raising an “unruly daughter”. Giulia is officially the strongest in Stardom. She sends a warning to not just stardom but the world. Giulia picks up the metaphorical stardom flag and promises to carry the company to greater and greater heights.

As of this writing, we are halfway through 2023. DDM’s line up has lost another member as Jumbo Princess Himeka retired officially on May 14. I was able to see how much love the members of Donna Del Mondo have for each other. Giulia, Mai Sakurai, and Thekla currently hold the trios Artist of Stardom Championships. Giulia also just defeated AEW’s Willow Nightingale to become NJPW Strong Women’s Champion. If the rumors are true, Giulia is slated to have a match against Mercedes Mone. Which is absolutely a dream match of mine and I’m certain of many others. I truly believe that every member of DDM is world championship material, who could also land anywhere in the world and be a star. Which I would argue was a part of the mission for Giulia, which was to find these diamonds in the rough and show the world how powerful they were. Syuri alone is a fantastic example of this. A 12 year veteran who had yet to break out into the mainstream, to a woman who has held several titles in stardom including the World of Stardom championship for a whole year!

Thank you Adriana for putting together this awesome list. You do really amazing work to make Stardom as accessible as possible for anyone who is interested. If you haven't yet PLEASE follow @StardomGuide and @cosmicadri_ over on twitter, and check out her historical perspective on Donna Del Mondo. I promise you won't regret it.

Thank you to those who were waiting for this to be released as this WAS supposed to be done back in May. I keep telling myself, Perfect takes so long because it doesn't exist. This is the longest article I have done so far on Paladin Writing, and I’m very grateful if you have given this any attention. I should do another article about stardom at some point this year, but who knows!


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